We Are Multi-colored



Introduction: We Are Multicolored is a free, simple website that teachers can use as a tool to incorporate history, diversity, ethnicity, and culture into the lessons they use in their classroom. It is an interactive site that allows students to choose three flags (i.e. where they live, what country has affected them, and their dream destination) to create one flag that is personal and unique to each individual. This tool allows the students to express their differences by creating their own flag.




This website gives a brief history of wearemulticolored.com and also provides resources for teachers on how to use the website in their classroom.


How to Use in Your Classroom:

In 2nd grade- S4, C2, PO1: Identify through images of content studied how places have distinct characteristics.

In 5th grade- S2, C5, PO2: Describe ways in which Spain, France, and England competed for power.

In 8th grade- S4, C2, PO4: Identify how the role of the media, images, and advertising influences the perception of a place.

In 12th grade- S2, C1, PO6: Apply the skills of historical analysis to current social political, geographic, and economic issues facing the world.


How to Use We Are Multicolored:

Step 1: Go to wearemulticolored.com

Step 2: Select 3 countries that mean something to you

Step 3: Click "Make My Flag"

Step 4: Use the tools and 3 flags to create your personal flag

Step 5: Click "Finish" when done

Step 6: Send to "SuperFlag"


Hands On Presentation:



Resources Used:


-Google Images